Gentoo penguin diving underwater Gentoo penguin diving
Fostering Common Understanding

Animal Welfare Training

SeaWorld and Busch Gardens provides annual training specifically on the topic of animal welfare to all zoological employees. We foster an animal-centered culture by providing access to a powerful online learning platform that harnesses the expertise of subject matter experts on topics such as animal care, enrichment, ethics, nutrition, behavior management and exhibit design using compelling and thought-provoking materials.


African flamingos 


Online, in-person, third-party, anonymous and named communication channels are available to all staff for submitting animal welfare concerns and recommendations. An Animal Welfare Committee is present in each park and at the park support center to enhance and standardize the reporting and investigating of any such concerns. The Animal Welfare Committees consist of zoological staff with diverse backgrounds in animal husbandry, behavior and veterinary care and non-staff subject matter experts. SeaWorld and Busch Gardens provides access to their unique zoological collection to animal welfare and other researchers alike. We recognize the need for sound zoo and aquatic animal welfare science and therefore actively promote applied animal welfare studies.


Six dolphins